How to get your music on Spotify and Apple Music to earn streaming revenue

06/23/2024 09:10   •   2min read

Getting your music on popular streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music is crucial for artists looking to reach a wider audience and earn revenue from their music. This process, known as music distribution, is typically handled by specialized companies called music distributors.

What is Music Distribution?

Music distribution is the process of making your music available on various streaming platforms and digital stores. Distributors act as intermediaries between artists and these platforms, handling the technical aspects of uploading, managing, and tracking your music across multiple services.

Why Use a Music Distributor?

  1. Access to multiple platforms
  2. Simplified release process
  3. Royalty collection and reporting
  4. Additional promotional tools and services

Choosing the Right Distributor

When selecting a music distributor, consider the following factors:

  1. Complexity: Some distributors offer a wide range of services and integrations, which can be great for experienced artists but potentially overwhelming for newcomers.
  2. Pricing Structure: Compare one-time fees vs. subscription models. Consider what works best for your budget and release schedule.
  3. User Experience: Look for distributors with intuitive interfaces, whether through a website or mobile app.
  4. Royalty Rates and Fees: Understand how much of your streaming revenue the distributor takes as a commission.
  5. Feature Set: Evaluate the tools and services offered, such as analytics, playlist pitching, and marketing support.

While there are many options available, some well-known distributors include DistroKid, TuneCore, and UnitedMasters. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to research thoroughly before making a decision.

Introducing Rapchat Distro

For artists looking for a user-friendly, cost-effective distribution solution, Rapchat Distro offers a compelling option. With its intuitive mobile app interface and focus on supporting emerging artists, Rapchat Distro simplifies the distribution process while providing powerful tools to help you grow your audience.

Rapchat Distro stands out with features like:

  • An all-in-one platform to find beats, record, and distribute
  • Rapid distribution process
  • Automatic royalty splitting with beat producers
  • Access to Distro Beats - beats already cleared for distribution
  • Comprehensive analytics across streaming platforms
  • A user-friendly interface designed for artists of all experience levels
  • Flexible pricing options

Download our free iOS app today to try out Rapchat Distro (working on Android and web as well).


Choosing the right music distributor is a crucial step in your journey as an independent artist. By carefully considering your needs and comparing the options available, you can find a distribution partner that helps you reach new listeners and maximize your streaming revenue.

Ready to get your music on major streaming platforms? Consider exploring Rapchat Distro and start sharing your music with the world!